
UX Design . UI Design . Brand Identity
Virtuoso tests so you don't have to.
Virtuoso is an intelligent Quality Assistance platform that uses RPA and ML to accelerate and simplify the QA process.

Our task was to deep dive into research to understand QA and Testers in order to design the user experience and interface design of the platform.

Virtuoso tests so you don't have to.
Virtuoso is an intelligent Quality Assistance platform that uses RPA and ML to accelerate and simplify the QA process.

Our task was to deep dive into research to understand QA and Testers in order to design the user experience and interface design of the platform.

Design Process
Virtuoso was born to make intelligent testing accessible to everyone. From designers to developers and QA Testers: everybody was involved in the solution.
Through autonomous interactions with your application Virtuoso builds a graph that shows you how your app behaves and changes over time. It allows even non-technical users to explore the application, catalog it, and generate automated test scenarios.
Eliminate 80% of manual test time
Virtuoso bots explore every last element of functionality in your application so that nothing is overlooked. And automated test generation and self-healing tests reduce the time and effort required to manually script and execute test cases.
Managing QA across your life-cycle with confidence.
Virtuoso gives your entire delivery team the power to test and verify the quality of your software in a continuous and automated manner across your entire development life-cycle. Release new features continuously, safely, and without stress.
QA that improves every day
Virtuoso focuses on more than just technical capability. The highly intuitive user interface gives your Dev, Ops and QA teams the ability to deploy high quality software safely, confidently, and at speed. And it's so simple non-technical personnel can use it too.
Brand Identity
Innovative . Powerful . Pioneering
Take the first step in your journey towards transformational Quality Assistance.
Book your demo today!

Let's talk
Looking for a partner in crime? Let's create your next awesome idea!
+351 93 838 41 92
Lisbon, Portugal